Friday, July 14, 2006


An explanation of the title of my blog is needed. First of all, I consider myself a religious person. I practice the Catholic Faith and try to live by God's commandments. I'm a sinner like everyone else, but I do try and strive to be more like my savior. I attend Holy Eucharist when I can on Sundays and make it to services two or three times a week. I worship at Sacred Heart Church on Fleming Island in the Diocese of St. Augustine. My wife and I had our marriage blessed last year. We both have attended the Christ Renews His parish (CRHS) retreat.

Secondly, I have some pets that have been rescued from other animals or from violent storms. I have four flying squirrels
. They were all received as babies and were feed with feeding syringes. Their names are (females) Cassie, Holly, (males) Tarzan and Boy. I lost my first male Abbott in a back door accident. He was my closest buddy and would go around with me in my pocket. He was cool. I belong to the National Flying Squirrel Association based in Clay County, Florida where I also live.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Regarding your request on Medjugorje Message I posted this reply:

This image of Our Lady, Help of Christians is in the chapel of the Institute of the Holy Family, Siroki Briege (spelling?). I had the honour of partaking in a retreat there conducted by Fr Jozo in October 2005. He said of this image that Our Lady loves each one of us as much as she loves the Christ Child and wants to help us at all times. If you would like to go on one of these retreats, contact Gail Boos at St Clare Helper of the Poor and she will do her best to fit you in. Anne (in Ireland)

PS Gail's web page is at