Monday, July 17, 2006


Recovering from the weekend as I worked “twelves” both days. I work at St. Vincent's Med Ctr in Jacksonville, Florida (in case you haven't read my profile). I've been with St. Vincent's for going on 23 years in the same area: the Pulmonary Care Department/Respiratory Care Division. I started out as a staff therapist, then supervisor and eventually manager. Middle management blows, if you know what I mean. I went back to working as a staff therapist and I believe that is where I'm supposed to be. Patient contact is where its happening. I do many things as a Respiratory Care Practitioner (RRT), including: ventilators (life support), adult and neonatal critical care, critical care transports, various treatment and oxygen modalities, arterial sampling and analyses, CPR, etc.

I assisted at (attended) Holy Eucharist this morning at St. Catherine’s Church. We are actually parishioners of Sacred Heart Church on Fleming Island, Joyce’s home church. We have been married 34 years this month, and had our marriage blessed last year. I worship at St. Catherine’s during the week, as it is so close. I also go there for perpetual adoration on Wednesdays. My Holy Hour is from 1000 to 1100. It is such a blessing to spend an hour in the presence of our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. Of course your time is unlimited, and you can visit anytime 24/7. We are truly blest in this community to have this opportunity to worship the Lord in His Eucharistic presence any time we so desire. “Blest, praised and adored be Jesus Christ, on his throne in heaven and in the most blessed sacrament of the altar.” Amen.

Friday, July 14, 2006


An explanation of the title of my blog is needed. First of all, I consider myself a religious person. I practice the Catholic Faith and try to live by God's commandments. I'm a sinner like everyone else, but I do try and strive to be more like my savior. I attend Holy Eucharist when I can on Sundays and make it to services two or three times a week. I worship at Sacred Heart Church on Fleming Island in the Diocese of St. Augustine. My wife and I had our marriage blessed last year. We both have attended the Christ Renews His parish (CRHS) retreat.

Secondly, I have some pets that have been rescued from other animals or from violent storms. I have four flying squirrels
. They were all received as babies and were feed with feeding syringes. Their names are (females) Cassie, Holly, (males) Tarzan and Boy. I lost my first male Abbott in a back door accident. He was my closest buddy and would go around with me in my pocket. He was cool. I belong to the National Flying Squirrel Association based in Clay County, Florida where I also live.