Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Our female Rolex had five CKC Chihuahua pups. They are now all gone except for a beautiful true blue male. Check him out on the Puppy Find site. We're temporarily calling him Blue or Blue Boy. Recently bought a faun colored 5-month-old female (Chihuahua) for breeding purposes.

One of my male fliers died-Boy. He is survived by his roommate Tarzan and two female neighbors, Castella (Cassie) and Holofernia (Holly).

Additionally, we have two rescue 2-week-old Chihuahua females that the wife is bottle/nipple feeding. They are both blue.

All for now. Be holy! Be happy!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Well, I survived the holidays. Joyce’s parents moved in with us at the end of October. They are both in their upper 70s and Papa has Alzheimer’s. Nana has some kind of early dementia and takes a tumble every so often. Additionally, with mom and dad came their two dogs and that gives us a total of four. Both their dogs are females; one is an ancient Yorky-Poo and the other a Chihuahua.

Our dogs are: Chevy (he is second-hand and I didn’t name him), a dachshund and a female Chihuahua, Rolex (expensive watchdog). I’ve previously talked about the fliers and I also have a female Rattus norvegicus or Norwegian rat. She is a beautiful blue, but looks black to me, with a white spot on her tummy. Her name is Blue Maxine, but I call her Max. Additionally, Joyce has five Norwegian rats and a Rattus rattus, also known as the citrus rat, roof rat or black rat.

Our daughter is coming home from Oregon (the beaver state). She is bringing our grandson and our first biological unborn grandchild. She is due in March and her midwife said it would be okay to fly. Joyce picks them up tomorrow from JIA. Cari lives in Portland with her partner and her son Kelton. Kelton was six in December and attends kindergarten.